Tag: Strong Women

Feminized Men, Empowered Women: Masculinity as a Casualty of Woke Storytelling

Young people today seem so psychologically distant from me that I don’t feel like I understand them. Perhaps this is always true as people get older and a new generation comes of age. I’m really hoping that what I say in the following is a minority view, even among young people, and I’m not that out of touch with their contemporary world.

[This post originally appeared on my Substack. See the postscript at the bottom for an end-of-season update]

I have been thinking about Woke storytelling recently. How writers that have “woke” commitments tell stories that are different from more traditional approaches. I watched the season (two) finale of Big Sky on ABC, and this little detail jumped out at me: why can’t the new manly sheriff in town fix his own truck and needs a woman to help him? Just this little thing, but could it be a telltale sign of potential woke feminist storytelling?

This new sheriff in town is named Beau Arlen and he is played by Jensen Ackles. I like Jensen Ackles. He is a handsome and talented actor, and he seems to be a genuinely nice person, not some entitled Hollywood celebrity.

So, I made a tweet on Twitter. (more…)